The answer I believe is simple, make your site unique, have your own style, be anti-conformity.
Make your site say literally “hey, look at me”.
This is what I am offering you, I believe any type of website has the potential to be unique.
Unique and interesting features can be added to any traditional website design to add wow factor and appeal.
This will make sure that you will get maximum attention and retention from your website’s visitors.
There are a lot of websites out there, estimates put it at more than 1 billion.
I have studied thousands of websites from a design point of view to try to determine what I could offer to website design. What I could do to make a website stand out and be remembered by a user. Humans are very visual; they will decide in seconds if they like your website or not just by what is visually in front of them – it does not matter if you have an amazing product or spectacular blogs. Their decision to stay and continue in your website will be based on the visual aspect alone.
Your site will be judged by its cover.
The more and more that I looked the realisation came to me that 99.9% of websites were easily forgotten (unless they were a household names). Why was that? Some of the websites I visited very well designed and in many aspects very appealing but still they were easily forgotten. That is because there are so many well designed websites out there and they are using the same old “effective” formulas.
Most websites fall into these categories:
The basic and old
These are sites that you can see immediately that are old, probably made a decade ago, easily forgotten, and disparaged.
Mostly basic, made by an amateur maybe using a template, not fully functional, not well designed. There are a few amateur sites out there that are actually pretty good as they have put in the many hours necessary to master website design and made a decent job of it but on the whole these categories were in the “easy to forget” area.
The big guys
Considering the huge budgets that must have been spent making these sites, you´ll be surprised by how many look so bad. You will wonder where the money went. For example, look at Amazon, Coca Cola, Morgan Stanley – unimpressive right? But they will be fine they are a household name so they will not be forgotten.
The modern websites that got it right
There are a lot of them, from big corporations to small companies. Because of advances in the tools to make websites you know longer need to be able to code to make a very nice site. However, this is where the problem lies with thousands upon thousands of attractively designed sites how do you make your site stand out? How will you get the user to remember your site?
The answer I believe is simple, make your site unique, have your own style, be anti-conformity.
Make your site say literally “hey, look at me”.
This is what I am offering you, I believe any type of website has the potential to be unique.
Unique and interesting features can be added to any traditional website design to add wow factor and appeal.
This will make sure that you will get maximum attention and retention from your website’s visitors.